D.ª Alexia Dotras Bravo

Alexia Dotras Bravo holds two Bachelor’s degrees in Hispanic philology and Galician Philology. She holds a European PhD in Spanish Philology (2006) approved by the Vigo University of Vigo in Spain, with a thesis on Los trabajos cervantinos de Salvador de Madariaga. Historia de una idea doble: sanchificación y quijotización. She also has an M.A. in Children’s Literature and Promotion of Reading by the University of Castilla-La Mancha (2009). She’s been working as assistant professor since April 2012 at the School of Education, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança. From 2005 to 2009 she worked as an assistant professor at the Vigo School of Education. From September 2009 to March 2012 she worked at the University of Coimbra, as assistant researcher at the Portuguese Literature Centre.

She has published widely in specialized journals, has participated in national and international conferences since 2000. She edited several books on Cervantine Literature, Spanish Golden Age literature, children’s literature, literary and cultural relations between Portugal and Spain – and Galicia and Portugal-, teaching literature to foreigners. In addition, she is a specialist in the Works of Salvador de Madariaga, both on Cervantes and literary fiction.

She is a member of several scientific associations, especially of AC since 2006. Currently she is the treasurer of the Cervantine Association and was a member of the boarding committee of the Young Doctorates on Hispanism Association, BETA, up to May 2014.