Ruth Fine

Ruth Fine is Salomon and Victoria Cohen Professor in Iberian and Latin American Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, where she acts as Director of the Institute of Western Cultures. Her fields of expertise are semiotics and literary theory, the Spanish Golden Age literature, and the literature of the Conversos. In these areas she has published numerous articles and books among them: Una lectura semiótico narratológica del Quijote (2006); Cervantes y las religiones (ed. with S. López Navia, Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2008); La Biblia en la literatura del Siglo de Oro (ed. with con I. Arellano, 2010); Lo converso: orden imaginario y realidad en la cultura española (siglos XIV-XVII) (ed. with M. Guillemont and Juan D. Vila, 2013); Reescrituras bíblicas cervantinas (2014). She acts as the President of the Israeli Association of Hispanists, Vice-President of the AIH and of the International Association of Cervantistas, responsible for the Iberian Section of the Masterpieces Translation Program of the Ministry of Culture and member of the Board of the AISO (International Association of the Golden Age). In 2013 she was awarded the «Orden del Mérito Civil» by the King of Spain for her contribution to Spanish culture.